Message from Manager

I am Arjun Lamichhane originally from Dimuwa, Parbat and currently situated at Christchurch, New-Zealand. I came in New-Zealand in 2015 in Student visa to pursue my further studies and also with the hope of settling down permanently. New-Zealand is very beautiful country and people over here are very friendly and welcoming. This is a developing country with various opportunities of growth in different sector. I learned show many different skills and knowledge over here and also help me to grow as a person. Also, i will be the permanent residence of New-Zealand soon. Having someone in New-Zealand, when you are new here really help, if you have references it will really help you to get good jobs and settling here would be easy. As a fellow Nepali, i would be here to help and welcome all of you and try to make your life easier however i can. I am also involved with different Nepalese society and Clubs and if you are interested in different sports we can arrange you
to play in the spare time.
Arjun Lamichhane
Flat 4, 25 Hastings Street West
Christchruch 8023
New Zealand